In the round-up: It’s not just Fernando Alonso who’s making his World Endurance Championship race debut today – RaceFans caught up with Pastor Maldonado at Spa yesterday.

What they say

Fernando Alonso, Pastor Maldonado, Kimi Raikkonen, Circuit de Catalunya, 2012Maldonado’s day of days: Spanish GP victory in 2012RF: How easy has it been to adapt to this category?

It’s a bit different, especially the size of the cars, the wheels are covered, so a completely different sensation. But the cars are pretty good to drive. They are proper racing cars with a lot of aero. So it’s good, I adapt myself quickly and I’m enjoy driving.

RF: Can you see yourself seeing out your motor racing career in WEC? Are you planning to return to F1?

Not at the moment. There is no point to go back.

RF: How did you get into this?

I spent two years with the family. I cooled down a little bit. I was travelled around the world, working, spent more time with the family. I went back to Venezuela, travelling a little bit. [Then] I said it’s time to go back. The series is quite good, the team is quite good, so…

RF: …you asked around and a deal came together?


Quotes: Dieter Rencken

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“I think we could have outraced McLaren on both recent occasions in Bahrain and China, it’s just first-lap incidents. Renault are looking very consistent and that’s probably going to be the harder one.”

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